You are exactly where you’re supposed to be
What best friends are for
What best friends are for

When we can’t love ourselves and feel lost, we tend to think that other people can replenish us but the truth is, it will only leave you feeling emptier than ever. Happiness comes naturally to those who are patient enough to wait for it.

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Lie to me
Trapped in addiction
Trapped in addiction

If you’re being totally honest with yourself, you must admit that you’re an addict - we all are. You don’t smoke or drink alcohol? Oh, well, you must be addicted to something else: your family, your partner, your kids, love or religion - the list goes on. The truth is no of us are free from addictions. So let’s see what your weakness is

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The science of desire
The science of desire

A denim company used the slogan „I believe in love at first touch” in the early 2000s for one of their ads and there is more truth to that sentence than one might first think. Attraction, desire, all consuming love and passion, workdays spent together in bed, steamy messages, then losing yourself in crying for hours on end, unbearable pain – what is common in all of these?

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Why do women fake orgasm?
Why do women fake orgasm?

In high-performance cultures, we constantly feel pressured to do well. We can buy, download or check everything in seconds and there’s an app for everything. If something is not Instagram-worthy, we feel down – but there’s nothing a bit of editing can’t fix, am I right? After all, who would want something less than perfect out there?

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The truth of one sided love – a letter from a girl in love
The truth of one sided love – a letter from a girl in love

A couple of months ago, I didn’t think I would ever love again. My partner of eight years left me. We were planning our wedding and he just left me. But then, the impossible happened: I fell in love again. I fell in love with you. I listened to my heart. Was I too hasty? I love you, I want to love you but you wouldn’t let me and that hurts. What hurts the most is that you’re not wiling to give me a chance. And everybody should be given a chance.

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