Oh, what a shame
The getting-to-know-each-other phase is such an exciting and intoxicating time, it makes you go a little bit insane and lose your sense of reality. That special someone occupies your mind completely and feelings take you over.
Hunting is a sport and all sports have rules to play by. You to come up with a strategy and do your best. In the end, the better party wins. Am I the only one who thinks adding feelings into the mix is a huge mistake? At least on of the parties will definitely get hurt...
When it comes to relationships and feelings, there are no rules or winners but there are plenty of losers. Only those can be played who do not suspect a thing and trust will leave you disappointed.
He knew exactly what to do to gain a woman’s trust. He did everything right. Did it require a lot of effort? It didn't matter. Did he have to travel a lot? No problem. Did it require looking into a girl’s eyes and telling her whatever she wanted to hear? No problem. Not for him. There was nothing he wouldn’t do to gain a girl’s trust. That’s what the chase is about, right? Maybe he himself believed sometimes that it was about finding the right girl…
He’d do anything up until he felt like he caught her. He’s gained her trust. Good. The prey is ready to be captured. And what do you do with someone who trusts you completely? This is a key moment – it defines who you are. It gives you the power to do whatever you want to: you can set them free or torture them, protect and save them or consume them...
He chose torture. Victory is only sweet for a moment, he needed something new right away. He let go a little bit, making his prey all confused – if he was willing to go through all that trouble to get her, why is he pushing her away? All that tension kills the relationship. He didn’t like tension but he didn’t like the calm either… He needed to realize that the chase never lasts forever.
He didn’t see that yet. He needed to capture more preys and capture more prays he did. He won again and again since most people do not consider it a sport – they don’t want to hunt others down, they want to settle down with someone. No matter how many times he won, in the end, he’ll lose it all. What a shame...
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